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Book «The Murder of Roger Ackroyd» Agatha Christie / in Armenian

Item number: N:176094

12.83 USD



Weight 320 gram Width 14.5 cm. Length 20 cm.

Product description

At first, the murder of Roger Ackroyd did not seem mysterious to the police - everything pointed to the guilt of the stepson of the murdered. But Hercule Poirot thinks otherwise, who recently moved to these places, once again deciding to retire. He was asked to help by Ackroyd\'s niece, who does not believe in the young man\'s guilt. And Hercule Poirot begins an investigation, having around a lot of suspects - relatives and friends of the Esquire, each of whom was interested in his death.

Publisher: Edit Print,
Year: 2019,
Language: Armenian,
Cover: soft,
Number of pages: 288.

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