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Book «Night Flight» Antoine de Saint-Exupéry / in Armenian

Item number: N:019869

9.21 USD



Width 15 cm. Length 21 cm.

Product description

Night Flight was the second novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Rivière is the station chief of an airline that is the first to pioneer night flights which requires unprecedented courage from the pilots. The novel depicts the emotions of a man standing on the edge of life and death, the indestructible hope that rejects death. Night Flight becomes a reflection of the value and meaning of human life.

Author: Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Translated by Shushanik Tamrazyan
Publishing house: Edit Print,
Language: Armenian,
Number of pages: 96,
Cover: Hard,
Data: 2018.
Size: 15 x 21 sm

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