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Book «The Black Obelisk» Erich Maria Remarque / in Armenian

Item number: N:019857

19.41 USD

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Width 14.5 cm. Length 20 cm.

Product description

A hardened young veteran from the First World War, Ludwig now works for a monument company, selling stone markers to the survivors of deceased loved ones. Though ambivalent about his job, he suspects there’s more to life than earning a living off other people’s misfortunes.
A self-professed poet, Ludwig soon senses a growing change in his fatherland, a brutality brought upon it by inflation. When he falls in love with the beautiful but troubled Isabelle, Ludwig hopes he has found a soul who will offer him salvation—who will free him from his obsession to find meaning in a war-torn world. But there comes a time in every man’s life when he must choose to live—despite the prevailing thread of history horrifically repeating itself.

Author: Erich Maria Remarque,
Translated by Anna Rostamyan
Publishing house: Edit Print,
Language: Armenian,
Number of pages: 544,
Cover: Hard,
Data: 2020.
Size: 14.5 x 20 sm

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