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Book «A Thousand Splendid Suns» Khaled Hosseini / in Russian

Item number: N:174663

24.67 USD



Weight 474 gram Width 14 cm. Length 21 cm.

Product description

Mariam is the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy businessman, who from childhood knew what misfortune is, from an early age she felt her own doom. Leila, on the contrary, is a beloved daughter in a friendly family, dreaming of an interesting and wonderful life. There is nothing in common between them, they live in different worlds, which would not be destined to intersect, if not for the fiery flurry of war. From now on, Leila and Mariam are bound by the closest ties, and they themselves do not know who they are - enemies, friends or sisters. But they cannot survive alone, they cannot withstand the medieval despotism and cruelty that flooded the once flourishing city.

Publisher: Phantom Press,
Year: 2022,
Language: Russian,
Cover: hard,
Number of pages: 416.

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